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Don’t Know What to Do With Your Life? Here Are Some Tips

Society instills in us the importance of being clear about important decisions. As a result, most of us believe that if we hesitate when selecting a career, job, or partner, we will be lost. It’s the kind of emotion that can be easily internalized. We’d like to make some suggestions for what you can do if you feel like you’ve lost your inner compass.

You have no idea what to do with your life. You’re dissatisfied with your life, can’t find meaning in it and you feel lost. We’ve all felt this way at some point in our lives. We’ve all felt a profound existential emptiness. When you don’t know which path to take.

For example, suppose you choose a subject to study but end up working in an area that appears to have nothing to do with it. For a while, you assume it’s making you happy and that it’s what you want. However, there comes a time when your house of cards begins to crumble. Someone might notice that you’ve started to complain a lot and wonder why you’re still doing the job if it’s making you feel so bad.

Change and doubts are nothing out of the ordinary. However, when you are in a crisis because you have discovered cracks in your foundation, you tend to panic. After all, no one enjoys crises, despite the fact that they are the most common and commonplace occurrences.

You change over time, your interests shift, and you need to be open to new possibilities. Accepting and managing this process shapes your evolution.

Like Joseph Campbell said: “We must let go of the life we planned so as to accept the one that is waiting for us.”

Some tips for when you don’t know what to do with your life

Your resolutions may need to be rewritten. You may only need to make a minor adjustment, or you may need to launch an entire personal revolution. When you’re feeling stuck and frustrated because you don’t know what you want to do with your life, the first thing you should do is practice your internal dialogue. Talk to yourself. Do some research. Think about what makes you happy. There might be an answer to your question.

Enclosing yourself in your mind’s shell for a while to encourage introspection is a good place to start. That’s because you usually don’t have time for it. Indeed, your typical day is chaotic, demanding, and noisy. As a result, almost unconsciously, you disassociate yourself from your internal world, which begs you to stop because it has something to tell you.

Change is a natural part of life. When you don’t know where to go or what to do, it’s time to shape change by first defining your values and goals.

Let’s see what strategies can help in these circumstances.

Analyze where you are now

Begin by outlining your current situation. What changes have occurred in your environment to cause this crisis?

Instead of allowing frustration and anxiety about not knowing what to do with your life to consume you, ask yourself the following questions to achieve mental clarity about the present:

  • Are the activities you’re doing now helping you to identify yourself, giving you meaning, and making you happy? Consider your work, studies, and hobbies.
  • Are you truly pursuing your goals?
  • Are you content with the people in your life? Is there anyone who makes you feel bad more than they make you happy?
  • How do you see yourself in five years? Are you happy with your future outlook, or should you change it?Answer these questions truthfully.

Clarify your values and purposes

You should update your values and purposes from time to time. That’s because people change, and circumstances do too, and they don’t always position you in a place where you feel comfortable. For example, research conducted by the Clermont Auvergne University (France) claimed that the pandemic and the covid crisis have taken their toll on many of us.

The world has changed. As a result, it stands to reason that many of the realities we took for granted (work, future, relationships) are in crisis. It is more than necessary for you to consider what values and goals define you right now.

What inspires you?

Look beyond your immediate surroundings, routines, and people. What truly inspires, excites, makes your heart race, and fills your mind with possibilities, dreams, and desires? Consider this while answering the following questions:

  • What kind of work would bring you joy and fulfillment?
  • What activities pique your interest and would you like to try?
  • Who are your role models? What do you think of when you hear or see them?

When you don’t know what to do with your life, remember your talents

We’re all talented in different ways. Indeed, we all have unique talents and abilities that set us apart from the crowd and allow us to feel good about ourselves. Keep them in mind and concentrate on them. Because those distinct abilities will pave the way for you to reach a new critical stage in your life.

In addition to these skills, you should identify your personal strengths. Empathy, creativity, resolution, sensitivity, confidence, and so on. They are nutrients that will provide you with strength during times of insecurities.


In addition to reviewing your values in times of crisis, also take your intuition into account. It’s the voice of your conscience when you don’t know what to do in life.


Allow yourself to be open to new experiences; there is a whole world to discover.

You may have spent years directing your life in a specific direction. However, you’ve reached a point where you’re beginning to doubt what seemed so obvious before. Suddenly, where you previously saw logical actions, you now see a range of possibilities. In fact, you begin to notice alternatives that you may prefer even more than the ones you previously chose.

Perhaps it’s time to switch tracks and catch another train. The world is full of opportunities. There are extraordinary people to meet, as well as occupations that can provide you with true meaning both professionally and personally.

Take some action. Begin to seek out new experiences, acquire new skills, and meet new people. You’ll soon find yourself on the right track. The one that truly fulfills you.

I am dealing with this crisis at the moment too. But I have thought about it a lot, and I did a lot of self-analyzing. I did research about what makes me happy, and I plan on implementing those things. Finally, I will tell you what one psychologist from my country said:

Life has meaning only if it is multidimensional. Never reduce life to only one dimension. Someone becomes an engineer and thinks he has achieved everything in life. Then that person identifies himself with the image of an engineer. Even though there are many roads available, he moves in only one lane. Then he becomes bored. What meaning can he find?  Look for different interests in life. Don’t just be a doctor, engineer or professor. Play the violin, sing, be an amateur photographer, a poet… Find as much meaning as possible in life and you will get richer… Don’t be one-dimensional.

Thank you for reading, I hope you like the text. Love you all!

Source: exploringyourmind.com


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