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Try These 12 Techniques To Fall Asleep Quickly

In this fast-paced world, getting a good night’s sleep can go beyond being a physiological process and turn into a learning experience. Here are some methods, ranging from relaxation techniques to seeking professional help. At times, falling asleep requires effort, and seeking techniques to achieve it is becoming increasingly common. …

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5 Practices for Building Mental Resilience and Overcoming Anxiety – Tips from a Neurobiologist

Neurobiologist Wendy Suzuki practices these exercises herself and recommends them to others. According to scientist and neurobiologist Wendy Suzuki, one of the most effective ways to deal with anxiety is through exercises aimed at developing what is known as mental resilience. And while it may seem easier said than done …

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The Link Between Emotional Intelligence and Critical Thinking

Today’s society is becoming more complex and difficult. With this in mind, why not improve your critical thinking skills and begin making smarter decisions? What comes to mind first when you hear the phrase critical thinking? This talent is most likely associated with observation, analysis, judgment, reflection, and questioning. Indeed, …

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Nocebo Effect – The Opposite of Placebo Effect – When Negative Thinking Impacts Health

What if ingesting a substance that is completely safe might make you ill? What if a sugar pill made you sick or a false dosage of lactose gave lactose-intolerant individuals unpleasant stomach symptoms? The odd thing about medicine and the brain is that they frequently interact in utterly unexpected and …

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