Home / Psychology & Lifestyle / The Best State in Life is Not Being in Love; It’s Being at Peace.

The Best State in Life is Not Being in Love; It’s Being at Peace.

The best state is to be at peace, with a proper inner harmony that leaves no room for emptiness, desperate attachments, or impossible idealizations.

With time, we often discover that the best state of life isn’t being in love but being at peace. Only when a person manages to find that inner balance where nothing is in excess and nothing is lacking, do they feel more complete than ever. Love may come along if it so desires, although it’s not a mandatory necessity.

It’s curious how the majority of people still have finding their perfect partner as their main goal. We now have more and more mobile apps to assist us in these searches. Not to mention the classic prime-time TV shows geared toward the same goal. We search and search in this vast ocean without embarking on an essential journey first: the journey of self-discovery.

Not exploring our inner selves and addressing our emotional needs can lead to making poor choices in our relationships. These short-lived connections end up as lonely moments in our lives, adding to our collection of shattered dreams and stifled tears. Many people spend a long time moving from one relationship to another, gathering up disappointments, bitterness, and sadness along the way.

In the midst of this situation, just as Graham Greene stated in his novel ‘The End of the Affair,’ we have only two choices: look back or look forward. If we do so with experience and wisdom, we’ll choose the right path, the one that leads inward. It’s where we can navigate the maze of our emotions to discover the valuable balance we seek.

The best state in life is to be at peace.

Tranquility is by no means an absence of emotions. It also doesn’t involve giving up on love or that passion that dignifies us, the one that gives us wings and roots. A calm person doesn’t avoid any of these aspects, but views them from a perspective where they understand the boundaries and the temperance that, like a beacon in the night, illuminates our inner peace.

We live in a mass culture that encourages us to seek a partner as if it were the path to achieving our long-awaited self-realization. Phrases like ‘when I have a girlfriend, I’ll settle down’ or ‘all your sorrows will be relieved when you find your ideal man’ constantly undermine our identity, constructing an absolutist and erroneous idealization of love.

The best state for a human being is not to love until we’re nullified. It’s not to give everything until our essential rights are blurred, driven only by that unfathomable fear of being alone. The best state is to be at peace, with a proper inner harmony that leaves no room for emptiness, desperate attachments, or impossible idealizations.

Because love, no matter what they tell us, doesn’t always justify everything. Not if it means abandoning ourselves.

Finding inner peace

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry once said that the field of consciousness is limited: it only accepts one problem at a time. This statement holds an evident truth. People accumulate in their minds a multitude of problems, goals, needs, and desires. What’s interesting is that some may come to believe that love solves everything, that it’s a multipurpose balm that resolves and organizes everything.

However, before leaping into the unknown hoping for luck in love, it’s more appropriate to take it step by step. The first step is to find that calm, inner peace where we can reorganize our personal puzzles to gain strength and composure. Let’s reflect on a series of dimensions that can help us achieve this.

Keys to Finding Inner Balance

Believe it or not, at some point in our life cycle, this moment will always arrive. That instant when we tell ourselves, ‘I wish for calm, I want to find my inner balance’ to be at peace. It’s an exceptional way to promote our personal growth, and to achieve it, there’s nothing better than initiating these changes.

  • The first step is to learn to discern which relationships we currently have that are not satisfying. No one can find that desired tranquility if they have a harmful connection among their family, friendship, or work bonds.
  • The second step is to make an essential decision: to stop being victims. In some way, we are all victims in some aspect – victims of those harmful bonds mentioned earlier, victims of our insecurities, obsessions, or limitations. We must be capable of reprogramming our attitudes to gather enough courage to break down all these barriers.

    Once we’ve accomplished the two previous steps, we need to reach a third and wonderful level. We must have a purpose, a clear and defined determination: to be happy. We should cultivate that simple happiness in which one, at last, feels content with who they are, what they have, and what they’ve achieved. This self-love-based satisfaction will undoubtedly bring us great balance.

People whose hearts breathe balance and minds are inhabited by tranquility don’t see love as a necessity or a desperate longing. Love isn’t something that arrives to rescue them because a calm person no longer needs to be saved. Love is a precious treasure that one discovers and chooses, out of their own freedom and will, to cherish it as the most beautiful aspect of being human.

Thank you for reading the article. I hope you liked it.

Source: lamenteesmaravillosa.com

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