Home / Curiosities / The musical instrument you like the most says a lot about your personality. Find out what.

The musical instrument you like the most says a lot about your personality. Find out what.

It is believed that there is unique music in every soul… Some people have similar soulful melodies, and then it’s said that they are truly close to each other.

We offer you an amazing and very beautiful test to discover the true music of your soul.

The test indeed uplifts the mood and inspires!

It’s not just a test; it’s a breath of fresh air!

So, all you need to do is choose a musical instrument… Here they are!

1. If you chose the violin…

You have a violet soul… Oh, how beautiful it is. It’s a very sensitive and delicate soul. People with such a soul are incredibly kind and compassionate, often doing a lot for others while forgetting about themselves…

The main quality of a violet soul is tenderness. People with such a soul understand this feeling better than anyone else… They feel tenderness towards everything they love.

Those with a violet soul possess the gift of foresight, even if they are not aware of it. If they make an effort, they can always recall a few instances in their life when they “sensed” the future.

2. If you chose the piano…

You have a yellow soul… A soul the color of the sun, equally warm and generous. In these people, life itself thrives! They are often very emotional, but with age, they learn to conceal their emotions. Being close to such individuals is incredibly comfortable. They seem to create a cozy atmosphere around themselves.

These people truly resemble the sun. They generously warm those around them with their light… However, they can be temperamental and occasionally scorch others with flashes of their feelings.

Those with a yellow soul make wonderful leaders, teachers, and doctors. People are drawn to them because by nature, they are Healers, and their calling is to illuminate others with their light and warm everyone around them with their kindness.

3. If you chose the flute…

You have a green soul. A soul the color of young leaves rustling in the wind. It’s an eternally youthful soul, the soul of a child—honest and trusting. It’s the soul of a child who looks at the world with wonder.

People with such souls often appear younger than their years and have a very memorable gaze. They adore everything new and exciting, and they are eternal optimists. They may get burned in their youth due to their trust, but they persistently continue to believe in people.

These are creative souls, often talented actors, writers, musicians, and dancers. It’s truly regrettable that our strict world sometimes suppresses the talents of such individuals. If you have someone like this in your life, cherish them!

4. If you chose the saxophone…

You have a white soul. But remember that white is created by combining the seven primary colors of the rainbow? People with white souls, similarly, combine several quite different qualities within themselves.

These are very intriguing individuals, so diverse every day that communicating with them is always captivating. You could spend your entire life with them and still not unravel all their mysteries.

They can choose the most varied life paths, but their lives are always full of interesting events, and people often fall in love with them. The gift of this soul is luck. Sometimes, these people truly seem like they’re from a different world.

Source: cluber.com.ua

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