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5 phrases you should never say to an introvert

Sometimes we judge introverts and try to change them instead of respecting and appreciating their worth. Find out what you should never say to someone with this trait.

Being introverted in a world of extroverts is not easy. People in the first category spend their lives feeling like they don’t fit in, that they’re expected to have certain attitudes and behaviors that don’t come naturally to them. That’s why, if you don’t want to contribute to causing discomfort to people around you, here are some phrases you should never say to an introvert.

Some studies suggest that around 50% of the population is introverted. However, the extroverted personality is dominant and desired in the open, connected, and modern societies we live in.

Those who deviate from the ideal of sociability, energy, and communication and choose to cultivate their inner space tend to be stigmatized. Nevertheless, they are individuals with much to offer, and if respected and understood, they could make significant contributions.

Who are introverts?

Introversion is a personality trait, with a significant genetic component, that characterizes those individuals who focus more on their inner world than the external environment. They are people centered on their thoughts, feelings, and emotions, who prefer tasks done alone and enjoy their own company.

Contrary to common belief, introverts experience a higher level of brain arousal, which means external stimulation can sometimes overwhelm or be too much for them. On the other hand, extroverts seek external activity to balance their state of higher brain inhibition.

It’s important not to confuse introversion with shyness or social phobia. Those in the introverted category don’t have difficulties in socializing; they may have good social skills and enjoy interacting with others without fear or anxiety. However, too much socializing can drain their energy rather than recharge them, so it’s best not to be overly prolonged or excessive.

It’s worth mentioning that people are generally not purely extroverted or introverted; they fall at different points along the continuum. Therefore, it’s important to understand the needs and preferences of the person in front of us and respect them, without trying to change who they are.

Remember that introversion is not an illness or something that needs to be changed. It’s a valid personal characteristic, just like its counterpart.

Phrases You Should Never Say to an Introvert

Now that you have a better understanding of this type of individuals, we’ll share some phrases you should never say to an introvert if you don’t want them to feel judged or uncomfortable

“Why Don’t You Speak?”

In social interactions, introverted individuals tend to take on more of a listening role, especially in larger groups. They don’t usually enjoy being the center of attention, nor do they tend to dominate or steer the conversation; they prefer to observe, listen, analyze, and draw their own conclusions.

Thus, you should understand that if they’re not speaking, it’s simply because they don’t want to. It doesn’t necessarily mean they feel anxious or afraid to participate; they’re just comfortable enjoying the company without the need to interject. When they feel they have something relevant to contribute, they will do so.

“Are You Angry? Is Something Wrong?”

These are two of the phrases that introverted individuals often hear. Frequently, their natural demeanor is mistaken for being upset, rejecting, or indifferent.

For many people, it’s hard not to assume that when someone is silent in a social setting, it’s because they are feeling anger, displeasure, or irritation. They might think that the person is having a hard time or has been offended. However, that doesn’t necessarily have to be the case.

Introverts tend to be less expressive, but that doesn’t mean they’re not having fun or feeling comfortable.

“How Boring and Dull You Are”

This is one of the phrases you should never say to an introvert, as it shows a significant lack of respect towards them: you’re not allowing them to be themselves.

Since the ideal in socializing is extroversion, those who are calmer, reflective, and quieter often receive this kind of criticism. However, anyone who has taken the time to truly know an introvert will realize that they are deep and interesting individuals, with their own perspectives and a rich inner world.

Not being flashy or outgoing doesn’t mean being boring; it simply indicates that they require different dynamics and environments, perhaps more intimate ones, to express themselves comfortably.

“Don’t Be Shy, We’re in a Safe Place”

When getting to know an introverted person, many of us have made the mistake of making statements like this. Our intention is good: we want to reassure the other person, show friendliness, and let them know we’re interested in listening and getting to know them. However, what we actually do is add pressure.

It’s important to respect the pace of each person and not force them to open up more than they feel is right for them.

If you truly want to connect with an introvert, engage in a one-on-one conversation, calmly discussing a topic of their interest. Generally, they aren’t fans of superficial and noisy chatter, but they have a lot to offer if you delve a bit deeper.

“You’re Antisocial, You Won’t Make Friends That Way”

Being antisocial has nothing to do with being introverted: the former refers to manipulative, selfish, and unempathetic individuals, while the latter are exactly the opposite of these characteristics.

An introverted person is usually kind, understanding, compassionate, loyal, and generous; in fact, they make wonderful friends. For this reason, it’s a huge mistake to assume that no one will take the time to get to know and appreciate these qualities.

Introverts tend to have fewer friends, but their relationships are deeper and longer-lasting. Therefore, avoid making such criticisms. Not everyone needs the same kind of connections, and each person decides how to navigate social interactions.

Give Yourself the Chance to Get to Know an Introvert and You’ll Discover a New World

Despite not possessing some of the most valued traits in the working world or personal relationships, introverts are sincere, creative, excellent analysts, and great listeners. They are independent and stand firm in their principles and values.

So, why not give yourself the chance to get to know them more deeply? Before judging them, labeling them, or criticizing their behavior, allow yourself to get closer and explore their wonderful inner world. It’s certain that you can learn a lot from them.

I hope you guys enjoyed the article and got to know a little bit more about who introverts are and how you can understand them better. Thank you for reading.

Source: lamenteesmaravillosa.com

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