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10 Signs You Are a Good-Hearted and Kind Person

Good-hearted and kind person is our word of today. If you have a good heart, you’ll always want to be helpful and uplift people. You demonstrate your loved ones they have found their genuine love by doing small things for them.

However, having a good heart definitely makes life difficult for you because folks with such are often taken advantage of.

Most likely, you’ve had enough of second chances and unsuccessful relationships. Never, however, imagine for a moment that having a good heart and being a kind person is a bad thing. Because, of course, one good turn deserves another. What you sow is what you reap 😉

If you have a good heart too, you probably have some failed relationships behind you that almost broke it. Not only love relationships, but friendships, family relations, etc. Still, keep radiating positivity and keep believing in true love and in goodness in people.

That is why “good-hearted person” is our word of the day. Keep reading to find out which traits are some of the traits of people with kind and good heart.

1. You help others

A good-hearted person wants to help everyone. You would lend your time, money, and effort to anyone in need if it was up to you.

When you are unable to achieve that, you even feel guilty. However, since you are a lone individual, it is impossible for you to share your vast heart with everyone.

As a result, you try to be as helpful as you can and do tiny things for your loved ones. You may even have selected a career that involves serving others.

Someone you care about knows they can depend on you while they are struggling. Simply put, you are there to help those in need.

Time is the most valuable resource for many people in our fast-paced society. So it says a lot when someone gives up their weekend to help a buddy or clean up after an elderly neighbor.

2. You place a higher value on life than on things

You’re more excited about the prospect of experiencing new things than you are about gaining them. You are aware that the best emotions, not your possessions, are what create the best memories. Your inner joy and the little joys that make life rich, such as friends, family, a feeling of purpose, and giving to others, are what make you happy.

For you, the value of others is determined by how much experience they have in their hearts rather than how much money they have in their wallets.

3. You might be over-sensitive

Having a big heart has drawbacks.

You can accommodate so many emotions, which makes you extremely sensitive. You already know, I’m sure, that having a big heart might make you vulnerable to being hurt. You love everyone so much that it really hurts when they don’t feel the same way about you.

Truth be told, insensitive people are not your type, but it’s not always their fault if anything goes wrong and hurts you. You can expect everyone to be the same like you, and when you realize that people are not so thoughtful like you, you get hurt and disappointed.

It’s not always feasible to live in a society where everyone is kind to one another, as you wish.

Your good heart hurts knowing this.

If everyone had a wonderful heart like you do, the world would undoubtedly be a better place, but you must accept reality and learn to live in the present.

4. You are kind and respectful to everyone

You treat everyone with warmth and respect. By being upbeat and looking for the best in others, you may make and keep friends with ease. You have regard for other people’s needs and opinions, show genuine interest in their life, and are willing to help them. You behave politely and with respect. You just really respect people and want to approach them as they would want to be approached, not as a show-off or to appear better.

You have respect for everyone, including children, seniors, and coworkers. You show respect to everyone, whether they are acquaintances or complete strangers. You show the same respect and decency to everyone in your vicinity.

By doing this, you motivate others to be like you too. So, you are making a world better place. If you have this trait, I want to say: “YOU ARE AMAZING”!!! Keep being like this, you are heroes of this world.

5. You want to understand others

You’re always looking for new information from other people. You enjoy traveling and learning about new cultures and viewpoints in order to develop personally. You honor your elders and benefit from their life experiences.

Kind people never make fun of or belittle other people because of their background or experiences. Kind and bright people are always open to learning new things. This enthusiasm for studying encompasses current events as well. Genuine people are always expanding and deepening their understanding of life and the people around them through reading, studying, or engaging in experiences.

6. You are not judgmental

You are approachable because of your open mind. You listen to others carefully and without passing judgment while setting aside all of your thoughts and opinions. This doesn’t mean you have to agree with or support what they’re doing; it just means you should hold off on making snap judgments long enough to understand what motivates them. Only after that can you accept them as they are.

As accessibility implies availability to fresh ideas and support, it is crucial to maintain an open mind. To get rid of prejudice and judgment, you should view the world from the perspective of others.

7. You compliment others when deserved

Giving someone a compliment not only makes them feel better about themselves, but it also shows that you are enthusiastic about their successes. Kindhearted people see the good in others, giving them a spark that might just enable them to reach their full potential. You’re willing to express honest gratitude for sacrifice and added effort.

You give compliments when they are deserved and helpful criticism when it is necessary. Yes, we face difficult challenges every day. However, the good outweighs the bad, and you tend to focus on the positive rather than the negative.

8. You are a trustworthy person

Since they know they can trust them, people are drawn to folks who are sincere. Genuine people are sincere and mean what they say. If they say anything, you can be sure it’s because they believe it to be true.

9. You are generous

You always give some money or food to homeless when you see them on the street. If you are unable to give them money or food, you greet them with smile and respect and love. You are not only generous towards homeless people, you show generosity with everyone. And generosity is not only giving away money, but it’s giving away your free time, giving an advice, helping your friend or a neighbor with moving stuff… You just like to share with people.

10. You find it hard to say “NO”

Because speaking up could offend people, you tend to keep quiet, which makes it difficult for you to say no as well.

You’re concerned that refusing someone would insult them and hurt their feelings. But you must understand that you shouldn’t agree to anything that makes you uncomfortable.

You give so much thought to other people’s feelings, but take a moment to consider your own feelings.

You have to stop focusing on everyone else all the time, without thinking about yourself. You can’t please everyone.

That is exactly why you get hurt so often. Practice saying no to the things you don’t want to do. Nobody is going to blame you for it. In fact, they are even going to respect you a whole lot more for it.

When you don’t feel comfortable to do something for someone, say no to it. It’s not only your right but your responsibility to yourself.

Final thoughts

These traits are some of the traits that I think are traits of good and big hearted people. If you have at least one of them, you have goodness in you. And be proud of yourself. Some more traits of good- hearted people are: empathy, positivity, people like being around them, kids love them, they are animal lovers and animals love them, they are full of love, they are forgivers, they are humble…etc.

For the end, remember this: Don’t ever let bad people take away your glow and goodness. No matter how bad the environment is around you, you keep being good, and don’t let negativity enter you life. Keep spreading love and kindness, and that is how you change the world. Maybe someone is feeling low and depressed with huge disappointment in people, and maybe you are the one who might lighten up their life. To give them hope in humanity.

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed this text, and I hope you have at least one of these traits, because, having at least one, shows you have goodness inside. Let us know in the comment section do you have any of them. Stay safe, and happy holidays!

P.S. Even if you don’t have any of these traits, but you’re longing to be better person and longing for these traits – well guess what – this also shows you have goodness in you 😉

Sources: psych2go.net















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