Home / Curiosities / PERSONALITY TEST: The Tree with Little People: Discover Your Emotional State

PERSONALITY TEST: The Tree with Little People: Discover Your Emotional State

Pick a tree figure from the picture and learn more about yourself.

Instructions: Carefully look at the image and pay attention to each character—each one has a different mood and position on the tree.

Pick the character that resembles you the most.


If you chose characters numbered 1, 3, 6, or 7, it reflects your determination and readiness to take on challenges and work actively. You are not afraid of difficulties and are full of resolve.

Choosing characters numbered 2, 11, 12, 18, or 19 indicates that you are sociable and have a strong desire to help friends and loved ones.

If you chose character number 4, it suggests that you have a stable outlook on life and prefer to achieve success while avoiding difficulties.

If you chose character number 5, it might mean that you often feel tired, weak, or perhaps shy.

Choosing character number 9 reveals your fun-loving and adventurous nature, as you enjoy excitement and taking risks.

If you liked character number 13 or 21, it may indicate that you’re currently feeling anxious and lonely, seeking to withdraw from the outside world.

Choosing character number 8 reflects your tendency towards introspection, frequent deep thinking, and perhaps a bit of disconnection from reality.

If you picked characters numbered 10 or 15, it indicates that you’re feeling comfortable and relaxed, well-adjusted to your current life situation, and in harmony with your surroundings.

Choosing character number 14 points to a crisis or emotional difficulties, such as burnout or apathy, which might be causing struggles in your life.

If you picked character number 20, it shows that you have leadership ambitions and a desire for maximum attention from others.

Character number 16 is often chosen by those who are always ready to help and support a friend, though you might sometimes get too caught up in rescuing others. If it seems that character 17 is hugging 16, it could mean you are surrounded by care and attention.

If you chose character number 17, you enjoy being the center of attention but find it challenging to handle problems on your own.


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