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10 signs of a person who knows their worth

Such individuals do not vie for someone else’s attention, especially at their own expense…

People who respect themselves exhibit a number of distinct characteristics. They unconsciously or consciously adhere to 10 rules outlined by the renowned psychologist Mikhail Labkovsky:

1. They look the way they want to. They stand out and may face criticism from those around them, but individuals like this are completely indifferent to the opinions of others, even those close to them.

2. They consider their own comfort a top priority. If they dislike something, they promptly voice their concerns at the earliest opportunity. Such personalities will not tolerate discomfort.

3. They can say “no.” Other people’s interests never overshadow their own.

4. They don’t fight for someone else’s attention, especially at their own expense.

5. They choose only what truly appeals to them. They won’t tolerate a job they despise or dull partners.

6. They don’t sacrifice anything for the sake of their career, friendships, or relationships. Life is a source of pleasure for them, not pain, compromises, or conflicts.

7. They never make excuses. If they’re late for a meeting, they simply apologize.

8. They aren’t afraid of guilt and shame. Others’ criticism is nothing more than friendly advice. Such people are open to experimentation, and every day is a new experience.

9.They take care of themselves. No overwork, excessive workouts, or diets to exhaustion.

10. They don’t set grand goals. They believe they have everything they need and “live in the moment,” rather than being driven by ambition.

Source: www.cluber.com.ua

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