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How to Stop Overthinking

During the day, countless thoughts pass through your mind. This is completely normal as your mind is constantly working. However, you might have a tendency to overthink and have difficulty stopping these thoughts. Consequently, you enter into a mental loop that drains your energy. So, how do you stop overthinking?

It’s difficult because the more you try not to think, the more you think. As a result, the first step we recommend is to quiet your inner voice telling you to stop thinking. Try not to fight your thoughts. Be aware of them, understand why they exist, and try to put some of the following ideas into practice.

Overthinking: the thoughts that won’t leave you alone

Overthinking is known as ruminative thinking. It’s a habit that, according to a study conducted by the University of Michigan, 73 percent of adults between the ages of 23 and 35 suffer from and 52 percent of people between 45 and 55.

Another study led by Susan Nolen-Hoeksema of Yale University (USA) claims that many people who overthink believe they’re doing themselves a favor by ruminating. However, this isn’t the case because overthinking implies thinking about our own thoughts. It doesn’t lead us to solutions or conclusions (like logical thinking), but it means entering a ‘loop’ that causes us discomfort, anguish, and mental fatigue.

“Thinking too much leads to analysis paralysis.

Thinking is important, but many use thinking as a means of avoiding action.”

-Robert Herjavek-

How to stop overthinking

Overthinking may indicate a high level of anxiety. It is a symptom that must be addressed so that it does not progress to a mental-emotional health problem.

Overthinking is expected in some situations, particularly those involving high levels of stress. In fact, if it only occurs in specific situations, there is nothing wrong with it. The issue arises when you constantly overthink.

So, how do you get rid of overthinking? There are some exercises you can do that will be extremely beneficial. The best part is that they are extremely simple. However, in order to achieve good results, you must be consistent in putting them into action.

1. Pay attention to your thoughts

It isn’t easy to stop overthinking. Firstly, we suggest you identify the thoughts that send you into a loop of overthinking. You must stop paying attention to these thoughts and the way in which you tell yourself the stories of what’s happening. In this way, you can identify those that are causing you stress and anxiety.

It doesn’t mean you should avoid having them (that’s impossible), but that you let them flow. When you have recurring thoughts, give yourself time to pay attention to them and then let them go.

2. Focus on the here and now

Meditation exercises have been shown to be extremely effective in preventing overthinking. There are numerous options available, and you can select the one that best meets your requirements.

You don’t have to stop your day or travel to a remote mountain to meditate; simple mindfulness exercises can be just as effective.

Try to pay conscious attention to everything you do at some point during the day. Pay attention without thinking. For example, if you’re walking, concentrate on your steps, the sounds around you, the smells, and the experience itself (defocus your mind).

3. The formula 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

This mindfulness exercise will assist you in connecting with the present moment and breaking free from your repetitive thoughts. Consider the following: five things you can see around you, four things you can hear, three things you can touch, two things you can smell, and one thing you can taste.

After you’ve identified each item, feel it and concentrate solely on it. The goal of this strategy is to focus on the details of your surroundings and get away from your worries.

4. Stopping the thought

Thought-stopping is another cognitive behavioral therapy strategy for reducing overthinking. It entails identifying the thought that causes you to overthink and then finding a word, phrase, small mantra, or gesture that allows you to stop.

It can be a word like “stop” or an action like yanking a hair tie on your wrist. Everybody need to find their own strategy. Once you say that word or carry out that action, you must start doing something to divert you from those thoughts. For example, cleaning, walking, calling someone, turning on a tv show etc.

5. Being thankful

Gratitude is one of the most valuable resources, and it is always available to you. When you practice gratitude, you concentrate on the positive, on what has gone well for you, and on what you have.

This relieves stress and allows your brain to rest a little and stop pushing itself to think about everything all of the time.

6. The help of nature

Never underestimate nature’s ability to help you restore balance and move away from negativity. Indeed, going for a walk in the woods can help you focus on the present moment and put aside the constant thoughts of each situation.

Whenever possible, try to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city and reconnect with nature. Long journeys are not required. A walk to a nearby park, for example, can be more than enough to make you feel good and help you focus on living without you having to overthink everything.


Stopping overthinking in today’s world

Today’s world is hectic. According to the WHO, up to 301 million people had anxiety disorders in 2019 and 280 million had depression. It’s not surprising that we all have a tendency to overthink. It’s important to remember that ruminative and obsessive thoughts are common symptoms in both of these disorders. Of course, you don’t have to be diagnosed with one of these conditions to overthink.

Finally, overthinking is a very common problem in today’s stressful lives, and it is difficult to tolerate. However, some of the strategies mentioned above help you with tolerating the overthinking. On the other hand, if you believe you can’t handle your problems alone and they’re causing you significant discomfort, seek professional assistance.

I hope this helped you at least a little bit. Share your thoughts and let us know if it worked on you. Thank you for reading!

Source: exploringyourmind.com

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