Home / Psychology & Lifestyle / What You Admire In Other People, Also Says A Lot About You

What You Admire In Other People, Also Says A Lot About You

There is a famous quote from Rumi that says: “The beauty you see in me, is a reflection of you.

Well, there is a lot of truth in this. It’s amazing how Rumi knew this hundreds of years ago, and today, psychology calls this phenomena “The Mirror Law“. What you admire in others, tells a lot about you. How? Well, keep reading and I will explain it to you.

Because the qualities you appreciate in others may also be characteristics your subconscience aspires to acquire, feeling identified with something is not always the same as having it. The feelings you have for certain people are not the result of chance; they are the result of unconscious patterns that the mind follows without realizing it. This sense of identification is what allows you to feel at ease and close to certain people, whether they are friends, family, or strangers. Admiration develops from affinity and identification.

What you admire in other people could mean two things:

  1. You admire the qualities in others because, you too have those qualities in yourself. You may admire, for example, generosity in others people, or softness, or something totally else. Well think about it, are you generous too and soft? In most cases, what you admire in others, you too have those qualities in yourself.
  2. Second meaning could be this: You don’t have those qualities, but you wish you had them.

In both cases, this is a really good thing, because admiration can lead you to self-improvement. Whether you believe it or not, whatever you respect or see as admirable in other people has a beneficial effect on you. The qualities you find admirable in others either inspire you to be your best self or make you feel good about yourself if what you admire in others already exist in you. Knowing all of this makes it easier for you to picture what you want and don’t want in your life.

However, there is a fine line between admiration, which inspires you to improve, and jealousy, which imprisons your thoughts and mentality. The thin line that separates these two mental states can take you a long way, therefore you should always treat the qualities that you admire in others with respect. Always keep in mind that your emotional and mental well-being should come first, not the other way around. Focusing on the work you need to do on yourself is the best thing you can do to prevent jealousy from happening to you.

You may feel small sometimes, and have bad opinion about yourself, but DON’T ever get discouraged and feel small. Just think about what inspires you in others and what you admire in them. There is a big chance you already have those qualities in yourself. So, don’t think bad about yourself. Even if you don’t have those qualities yet, but you want to have them, you are already half-way there. As long as there is a will for having those qualities, it means you can achieve them, even if you believe it to be impossible. You may not be able to completely gain qualities you admire in others, but that’s completely okay. What’s important is that you never quit on working on yourself, and becoming the best version of yoursef.

I really hope this article made you feel better about yourself, and motivated you at least a little bit. Please do a little research, and try to think about this. Make a list about what inspires you and what you admire, and think about do you already have it in yourself. If you don’t have it, wanting it also makes you like that. Just work hard to implement it in your character. Thank you for reading! If you like this article, please share it with others, it would mean a lot to me, and also you could help someone else if they read this. 😉 Sending lots of love and support! You are amazing! <3

Source: www.soyaire.com






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