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If My Life Is Good, Why Am I So Sad?

You have everything you need. A job, a roof over your head, family, food. But still, you feel empty and sad. Why so?

Even though it doesn’t feel pleasant, it’s acceptable to experience sadness occasionally. Sometimes we deal with difficult situations that leave us sad, and other times we just feel lousy for no apparent reason. The good news is that you can take action to deal with your melancholy and feel better, but let’s try to identify the root of your unhappiness first. If you clicked on the title of this post, it is probably safe to assume that you are sad despite not experiencing any serious issues. In other words, you are experiencing sadness “simply because,” and you have no idea why.

The most typical reasons of unexplained sorrow include:

– Not feeling stimulated or excited

To put it another way, you are just bored. Inertia and unhappiness are caused by a lack of excitement. Being enthused about something and having something to look forward to practically ensure what most people consider happiness. To shake things up and rediscover life, it’s time to take on a new challenge, learn something new, discover a new passion, or travel.

– Feeling lonely

Despite being surrounded by people, you can’t fully feel any connection to them. If your hobbies, standards, and beliefs have changed over time and are no longer those of your friends and family, you could feel alone and misunderstood. You might be yearning for a life that is different from the one you currently lead and from the lives of the majority of people in your immediate surroundings, but you are unable to satiate this desire. This causes strong longing, despair, and pain emotions.

– Feeling unsatisfied

Even if you have a wonderful family, job, and friends, live in a hip place, and engage in intriguing hobbies, you could still feel depressed. A significant internal conflict between your own ideals and beliefs and how you are living your life is frequently the root of this melancholy. Even while your profession may be fantastic, it might not be what you wanted in the first place, or you might be secretly troubled by some moral issues connected to your line of work. If you’ve always desired simplicity, even if you have a dream home, sports vehicle, and lots of money to spend, you can privately feel guilty and uncomfortable with this way of life. When we fall short of our own internal standards, it typically leads to sadness and a depressed mood.


“The sadness of the soul can kill you much faster than bacteria.”   – John Steinbeck

– Inability to control your environment

We require some level of environmental control in order to be happy. Although we should acknowledge that we will never have complete control over everything that occurs in our lives, we still need to be able to manage the fundamentals, such as our time, our work, our leisure, and our ability to make some other fundamental decisions. You might start to feel angry and depressed if you are overworked or if you live in a tightly controlled atmosphere where someone else makes all of the decisions. Similar to this, in some societies, people are continuously expected to impress others and worry about what others think of them, which makes them feel confined and under control.

– Overthinking

Many of our issues only remain issues because we continue to think about them. You may be overthinking if you frequently find yourself preoccupied with something that has already occurred or something you anticipate happening. Your strong concentration on the issue may cause it to appear much worse than it actually is, and you might even start to imagine issues that weren’t initially present. I know  how challenging it is to simply break out of it, but you ought to. Some of us have a natural propensity for excessive reflection; these people never appear to be at ease or to be happy. It is difficult to break this habit, but it is feasible if we can learn to put our attention elsewhere and develop an interest in other people or things.

– Not being exposed to sunlight

Although it may sound strange, certain people are especially sensitive to the lack of light and have a propensity to become depressed during the winter. Although it still has a comical acronym, “SAD,” this condition is officially known as seasonal affective disorder. SAD is defined by depressive episodes that occur at the same time every year, usually in the winter. Most of the year, people with SAD feel “normal,” yet they experience despair around the same time each year. Other names for the condition include winter depression, the winter blues, seasonal depression, and, less frequently, summer depression for people who experience bad summertime symptoms.

– Actual medical issues

Last but not least, it’s conceivable that your unexplained unhappiness is caused by a health problem you’re not aware of.  Depression, bipolar disorder, PMS, hypothyroidism and hormonal changes are some of the possibilities for your unexplained saddness.. If you experience sadness frequently or if it overwhelms you, this is what you should check out first and visit your doctor to rule it out.

How to handle unexplained saddness

It should be obvious that any potential medical conditions should be eliminated first. Work with your healthcare practitioner to find a solution if you believe that one of the conditions mentioned above may be the cause of your unexplained unhappiness.

Even if there are no clear physical causes for your sadness, there are still many things you can do to combat the emotion and live a happy life. To start, try to be as specific as possible: What specifically is bothering you? Are you thinking too much? Focus on something other than yourself. Your tough work, perhaps? Find a means to work fewer hours or think about changing careers. Is it your devoted but tyrannical spouse? Try to resolve your difficulties through dialogue. Are you feeling bored? Consider learning a new skill. Lack of excitement, perhaps? Find a way to place yourself in a situation where your senses are properly aroused, whether it be via reading books, taking vacations, or another means.

A excellent place to start is by speaking with a reliable friend or keeping a diary. You might occasionally discover that you need to make significant lifestyle changes to feel good again, but, I t’s crucial to keep in mind that these changes shouldn’t have a negative impact on anyone (e.g. your wife, your children, your family).

Thank you for reading, I hope this helped you at least a little bit. Let me know what you think about it in the comment section. Sending love and hugs <3 <3

Source: psychologia.co

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