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7 Natural Ways to Raise Serotonin Levels

You’ve probably heard of serotonin, a brain chemical associated with higher mood and general contentment, if you’ve ever gone down the Google rabbit hole in quest of ways to improve your mood (or is it just me?). And since serotonin seems to be the substance that makes you happier, it’s intriguing to ponder how to raise serotonin levels.

It’s helpful to define serotonin in detail before going into all of its advantages (and how to naturally increase it). According to the National Cancer Institute, serotonin or as someone calls it a “hormone of happiness” is a neurotransmitter, which means that it is a substance produced by nerve cells that interacts with other cells in the body. According to research, the brain makes the remaining 5% of serotonin while the gastrointestinal tract produces approximately 95% of it. Although serotonin is known for improving moods, the neurotransmitter has a number of other advantages for your health. According to research, it’s necessary for both cognitive and physical skills. Additionally, it is a component of nerve activity that controls the digestive system, heart rate, and blood pressure. Therefore, it is quite significant.

Signs that your serotonin levels may need to be increased

The major message is that serotonin controls a variety of functions other than mood. In light of this, mood swings, irritability, difficulty falling asleep, and loss of appetite are some of the most typical indications that your serotonin levels may need to be raised.

The truth is that while increasing serotonin levels in your brain may also improve your mood, it is not a cure-all for all mental health problems. James Lake, MD, an integrative psychiatrist, cautions that controlling depression—or even just a lousy mood—is significantly more difficult than focusing on serotonin. There are many other neurotransmitters that are crucial as well, he adds, adding that serotonin is unquestionably a significant neurotransmitter and important in that formula. Dopamine, oxytocin, and endorphins in addition to serotonin all play crucial roles in mood regulation. And it’s essential to consult your doctor to determine exactly what you need if you’re experiencing what you think to be a significant mental health or mood disorder.

However, there are a few minor recommendations for increasing serotonin levels naturally. To find out what they are, keep reading.

10 suggestions for raising serotonin levels

1. Improve your diet

Tryptophan, an important amino acid, is the source of serotonin. You must consume tryptophan because your body cannot naturally make it.

Tryptophan-rich foods can raise serotonin levels when they are included in your meals. You can consume a variety of foods that are high in tryptophan, such as:

  • Salmon
  • Eggs
  • Soy products like tofu and soy sauce
  • Poultry like chicken and turkey
  • Corn
  • Seeds and nuts like pumpkin seeds and walnuts

2. Obtain regular, sound sleep

According to Dr. Lake, those who are depressed or have other mental health issues frequently sleep too much or too little. And this might interfere with your body’s capacity to produce or use serotonin. Chronic sleep deprivation has been linked to a decrease in the sensitivity of serotonin receptors in the brain, according to a study done on rats. (The research was conducted on rats, so it cannot be applied to humans.) Aim for seven to eight hours of restful sleep each night.

3. Consult with your doctor about taking vitamin D supplement

Numerous studies have linked vitamin D deficiency to mental health issues; it is believed that vitamin D, along with omega-3 fatty acids, aids in the generation of serotonin. If you think a vitamin D supplement would be beneficial, discuss it with your doctor.

4. Step outside to enjoy the sunlight

Spending time outside is one way to receive adequate vitamin D, which explains why many people experience a decline in mood throughout the winter. To increase your intake of vitamin D and maybe raise your serotonin levels if you’re feeling depressed, prioritize stepping outside.

5. Exercise

A 2016 review found that exercising can raise serotonin levels and BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor) activity. In regions of the brain that regulate body weight, eating, and drinking, the BDNF gene produces a protein that stimulates nerve cells. Serotonin and BDNF levels are thought to work together to control mood.

Mimi Winsberg, MD, a psychiatrist in San Francisco and co-founder and Chief Medical Officer of Brightside, a mental health service, claims that exercise is frequently linked to an improved mood since it boosts BDNF activity. Simply explained, that is the reason why exercise improves your mood.

Any enjoyable form of activity, such as walking, yoga, or cycling, can help to increase serotonin levels. Winsberg advises engaging in moderate exercise for at least 30 minutes three times per week.

6. Go for a massage

It’s no secret that massages are generally quite calming, isn’t it? The Mayo Clinic claims that a massage reduces the stress hormone, cortisol,  and raises serotonin levels.

7. Reduce stress by taking action

Unexpectedly, stress interferes with serotonin. According to Dr. Lake, stress causes chronic inflammation in the body and the brain. The serotonergic pathways that impair the system’s performance as well as other brain regions that are engaged or serotonin-producing neurons may also be indirectly harmed. In other words, inflammation brought on by stress is detrimental for your brain. Setting self-care, counseling, and other stress-reduction strategies (regular exercise, quality sleep, laughter, limited caffeine intake, stopping alcohol intake, journaling, going into nature, etc) as priorities could significantly improve health, including serotonin levels.

8. Invest time in your loved ones

Serotonin’s involvement in aggression, mood, and social interactions has been a topic of discussion among experts for many years.

According to recent neuroscience studies, tryptophan and serotonin deficits may be related to abnormalities in the amygdala of the brain. Amygdala dysfunction is linked, among other things, to an increase in aggression, impatience, and antisocial behaviors because it is the brain’s emotions processing center.

Having a strong support network may make you feel less frightened and alone because depression and anxiety have the potential to impact a person’s mood and desire to be around others.

9. Cuddle with your pet

Another “happy” neurotransmitter linked to increased sociability and mood is oxytocin. Researchers hypothesize that elevated levels of oxytocin and serotonin are inversely correlated, making them potent therapeutic targets when taken combined.

Owning a pet is associated with regular exposure to oxytocin, which lowers cortisol, blood pressure, and loneliness sensations.

Try giving your pet a hug the next time you’re feeling down. Oxytocin is released, which is what causes you to feel close at that precise instant. You experience a calming and pleasurable change as a result. Animal companionship provides emotional support, which may boost serotonin levels.

10. Practice thankfulness

Research on the relationship between thankfulness and serotonin is underway. According to neuroscientists, cultivating thankfulness increases the release of mood-enhancing chemicals like serotonin.

The ability to recognize the pleasant and positive parts of life is referred to as gratitude. Your attitude, self-esteem, physical health, and happiness will all be greatly improved.

For every person, expressing gratitude in a meaningful way looks different. Recording written or visual reminders to yourself or someone else is one way to practice gratitude. You can cultivate thankfulness by meditating, keeping a gratitude notebook, or sharing your blessings with close ones. Practicing appreciation on a regular basis could improve your brain’s capacity to release serotonin.

Final thoughts

Dr. Lake emphasizes this point repeatedly: it’s not as simple as finding a means to increase your serotonin levels and calling it a day when it comes to controlling mood and treating depression. However, doing so can help with more minor mood problems. Try the aforementioned advices and note how you feely since these are some of universal tips of increasing the serotonin levels. Talk to a mental health professional who can suggest other, scientifically supported techniques to lift your mood if they don’t work. Thank you for reading and I hope this will help you in any way. Share it with your friends on Facebook and give us a comment if you find it helpful. <3










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