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5 Signs You’re Not Lazy, But Smart

Have you ever had days where all you wanted to do was relax? Have you ever received criticism for laziness? In our culture, being lazy is seen as a character fault, and people who are constantly occupied are praised. But did you know that sometimes, being lazy can be a sign of high intelligence?

Here are five indications that you are intelligent rather than slothful.

1. You avoid too much interaction with people

Do you find socializing to be a chore? You must text your buddies to set up a meeting time and location before going outside. This may be a hassle that prevents bright individuals from achieving their other objectives. According to a 2016 British Journal of Psychology study, smarter people actually experience greater life satisfaction with less social connection. So avoiding social outings might be a sign of intelligence rather than laziness.

2. You always take the easy route

The saying “always hire a lazy person to do a hard job because a lazy person will find an easy way to complete it” is a well-known management proverb. Does this describe who you are? In fact, the capacity to exert less effort might be a sign of higher brainpower. Although there is less physical activity, there is still a lot more mental activity because you are planning ahead and using efficiency to reduce waste. So taking the easy route can indicate strategy rather than laziness.

3. Procrastination

How many things are you putting off right now? According to Italian psychologist Antonio Pierro, procrastination might indicate an orientation to action called the  “assessment orientation.” People with this trait are perfectionists, always looking over their tasks and making sure they are doing everything right. Consequently, delaying anything can indicate having very high standards rather than being lazy.

4. You enjoy playing video games

Do others around you treat you like nothing happens when you play video games? Although traditionally thought of as a mindless hobby, study has shown that playing games actually involves a lot of cerebral effort. The brain’s attention, problem-solving, creative, and multitasking centers are activated when a large amount of virtual information is coordinated quickly. Therefore, playing video games can indicate appreciating cerebral stimulation rather than being lethargic.

5. You lack organization

How recently did you clean your room? Keeping things chaotic may have advantages, according to research. A University of Minnesota study found that while disorder can inspire creative discoveries, a messy workstation is a sign of a creative genius. On the other hand, it was discovered that conventional thinking was associated with clean workspaces and well-organized surroundings. Disorganization can therefore indicate innovative thinking rather than being a symptom of laziness.

Do you relate to any of these mentioned signs of intelligence? Let us know in the comment section. Studies and references for this text can be found in the source text pasted below. Thanks for reading!

Source: psych2go.net



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