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20 Facts About Body Language

Humans are unique in that most of the time when we communicate, we do so through body language. Different forms of feelings and meanings can be expressed through body language. Here are 20 common truths about body language, although it also depends on culture to interpret body language.

1. Arms crossed

Usually, when someone crosses their arms while speaking, they are trying to dodge something or are trying to appear defensive. This might be a manifestation of self-preservation and a lack of candor in the discourse (Wilding, 2018).

2. Slouching

Some of us could occasionally feel overpowered or intimidated in particular situations, like a group discussion or an interview. If you happen to see someone slouching rather than sitting up straight, their shoulders may have shrunk. That person might experience fear or even lack of motivation (Wilding, 2018).

3. Body tilted

Do you ever notice that while someone is speaking to you, their body isn’t facing you but rather another direction? It’s possible that they are not interested in what you have to say if their bodies tend to tilt away from you, such as when they are facing the door or doing something else (Wilding, 2018).

4. Repeated movements

One of the most obvious examples is this.If someone is rubbing hands together, unintentionally swirling their hair with their fingers or if their legs are trembling regularly. It’s conceivable that they are being nervous or  impatient about something. (Wilding, 2018).

5. Eye-to-eye contact

To focus on the person we wish to speak with, we make eye contact. If they are interested or paying attention to the discourse, we also want their concentration and they would like ours as well (Wilding, 2018).

6. Laughter

A genuine smile is referred to as a Duchenne smile in psychology. It is characterized by visible facial muscle contractions at the orbicularis oculi and zygomatic major. If a person’s smile does not express as much as it should, he or she may be experiencing embarrassment or grief (Jaffe, 2011).

7. Handshake

The force of a handshake also sends various connotations when we intend to shake hands with someone. Normally, we’d anticipate a solid handshake from a person. A tentative handshake may be a sign of unreliability or disdain (Wilding, 2018).

8. Imitation

Do you notice that the individual in front of you is imitating your gesture when you converse? If that’s the case, it’s usually the result of an unconscious effort to strengthen your relationship. Friends tend to adopt similar poses and demeanors on the streets because of this (Psychology Compass, 2018).

9. Leaning forward

There is a chance that someone is interested in what you have to say if they begin to slowly lean forward as you speak. They lean forward because they want to know more about your viewpoints and ideas (Psychology Compass, 2018).

10. Raised eyebrows only

There are two ways that we can communicate by raising our eyebrows. One is that person may indicate displeasure or wrath if they lift their eyebrows and display a grave expression (Psychology Compass, 2018).

11. Raised brows with a combination of signals

Second way is when a person raises their eyebrows with mixed signals of nodding and smiling, it could indicate a friendly and attentive conversation (Psychology Compass, 2018).

12. Closeness

Comparing being with your friend to being with your boss, imagine the situations. The degree of proximity between your friend and boss is clearly discernible. When we are with someone, if we are standing closer, it suggests that we have more casual relationships (Psychology Compass, 2018).

13. Blushing

A red face can typically be seen as shyness or embarrassment depending on the situation. However, it could also mean that someone is preparing a “fight or flight” response that includes antagonism and rage (Psychology Compass, 2018).

14. Tightness

There is a chance that someone is lying given the stiffness in the limbs and other body components as well as the restricted mobility. Usually, they are attempting to conceal something because they do not want anyone to learn about it (Psychology Compass, 2018).

15. Blinking

One of the most important things to understand is also this. Rebound blinking is the term for the behavior of someone who is blinking excessively after having just finished telling you a lie (Psychology Compass, 2018).

16. Movement of the lips

People who are seeking a love relationship may smack or lick their lips to express their interest for that individual. When primates are attracted to their partner sexually, this phenomena also occurs (Keltner, 2014).

17. Small touches

If we start telling our friends about how sad we are, they normally give us a soft stroke on the back or shoulder. Small actions imply warmth, empathy, and compassion. It shows them your genuine empathy and unwavering support (Keltner, 2014).

18. Head movements

Someone will nod in agreement or affirmation if they enjoy something. Someone would shake their head or back away if they didn’t like something. Although most western cultures may find this to be quite typical, there may also be some differences based on the geographical environment (Hamilton, 2016).

19. Finger signs

A thumbs up normally indicates agreement, and a thumbs down typically indicates disagreement, similar to the argument made above. However, more intricate finger gestures, such as circling the thumb and index finger while elevating the other three, could denote anything from “fine” to an explicit message (Hamilton, 2016).

20. No eye-contact

Not maintaining proper eye contact indicates that someone is not paying attention, is distracted, or is avoiding (Wilding, 2018).

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Source: psych2go.net

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