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Don’t React; Respond: 10 Techniques For Dealing With Stressful Situations

Your response to stress might create a tense atmosphere. Unfortunately, you can’t always maintain full control of your emotions, especially in stressful situations. There are, however, ways to calm your nerves, turn away from anger, and examine the situation objectively.

The following ten suggestions can help you deal with stressful situations as effectively as possible:

1. Breathe

When you are in a stressful situation, your heart often beats at the light’s speed. Furthermore, such overwhelming situations cause you to lose your cool and say harsh things you don’t really mean. All of this can be avoided by taking deep, calming breaths. Inhale. Exhale. Deeply. Continue to do so till you start feeling better.

2. Go for a walk

If the breathing exercise isn’t working, go for a peaceful walk. Distancing yourself from the person or situation that irritates you will help. This will allow you to gather your thoughts and consider the situation from a different perspective. It will not be about avoiding your problems; rather, it will be about giving yourself time to process them so that you can approach problem-solving with the proper mindset.

3. Prioritize logic above emotion

In stressful situations, emotional outbursts inside our heads frequently trigger our responses. Although this is a natural reaction, it can prevent us from fully comprehending the circumstances of the occurrence. What happened is not defined by your feelings about it. Take note of the facts the next time you find yourself in a stressful situation. This will point you in the direction of any damage control measures you may need to take.

4. Determine the real issue

You would be able to recognize the true issue if you prioritized logic over emotion. Even if a situation irritates you, it does not necessarily indicate a personal issue. You may be reacting negatively simply because the other person is acting differently than you. If you can relate to this point, you must understand that you must listen to what others have to say before dismissing their viewpoint. They could astound you with an entirely different viewpoint or a resolution you never even considered.

5. Respond in accordance with the circumstances

When we are angry, we allow unpleasant feelings that have been building up for a while to overwhelm us. The concer  concerns in your mind may not be related to the current situation, but they could be the only thing that have caused you to respond in this manner. To avoid this, you should consider whether your attitude is appropriate for the situation. Perhaps there are other issues in your life that are causing you to be frustrated.

6. Specify whether the tense situation was accidental.

No matter what we feel, accidents do happen. Some people may make us feel so triggered that we lose control and lash out at those who don’t deserve it. Because of this, determining when a frustrating circumstance was an accident is critical.. When you resist your negative feelings, you gain a level of compassion and understanding that you wouldn’t otherwise have.

7. Consider your options for resolving the problem

The triggering events that cause you stress can typically be changed. It might call for a great deal of energy and resilience, but it’s not the end of the world. If the damage is manageable, you should take some time to think about what you can do to make things better. Set aside your frustration and focus on determining how you can make a positive difference.

8. Keep the viewpoint of the other person in mind

Before losing your cool, keep in mind that every tale has two sides. It is possible that your feelings about a situation differ greatly from how another person perceives it. Once you’ve calmed down, don’t be afraid to approach them and ask how they see the situation. Try not to argue. Avoid interruptions. Only listen. The entire situation may turn out to be a huge misunderstanding.

9. Treat others as you would like to be treated

What if the roles were reversed? What reaction would you hope the other person would have to the situation? Choose the reaction that you would find logical, thoughtful, and compassionate. Only after that are you able to respond rationally and with regard for the person in front of you.

10. Before continuing, take a moment to reflect

Before concentrating on anything else, take a moment to mentally process every facet of the issue. Allowing unresolved issues to hang in your mind is how negativity grows. Try to avoid that.

These are some of the tips I discovered to deal with stressful situations. Feel free to share some of your tips in the comment section! I’m sure lot of us would appreciate it. Thank you for reading! 

Source: iheartintelligence.com



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