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The 12 Most Universal Secrets People Don’t Usually Share

Many of the secrets we hide have a universal nature. What are the most widely-known secrets, and do you maintain any?

Whether they are our own or those of others, we all maintain secrets. When one friend confides in another and asks them not to tell anyone, they are placing both a weight and faith in their friendship. What are the repercussions for both parties?

It also has certain psychological implications when someone keeps something to himself rather than sharing it. Secrets’ contents take on greater significance and may have psychosomatic repercussions, as those described in this article.

Don’t, however, assume that just the most extravagant secrets affect people’s thoughts. We all have private thoughts, and ironically, many of them share a similar theme. The 12 most universal secrets are revealed here.

The nature of secrets

We learn early on that there are two dimensions in which we might move: the public and the private, with the public being able to be divided into as many layers as we like. In actuality, our evolution has reached a turning point when it comes to our capacity to manage information and preserve secrets.

Early on, young toddlers understand that people have varied levels of trust and that sharing knowledge with others frequently demonstrates this trust.

The social psychologist Michael L. Slepian, who performs his research at Columbia University, is the author who has examined secrets the most. Much of the nature and effects of what people keep to themselves are described here.

Effects of secrets on the mind

There are a number of mental and physical processes that change perceptions and general energy level while one is “bearing the burden of a secret,” as it is popularly known. Slepian and colleagues discovered that everything gets amplified—quite literally—when you view information you don’t share as a burden.

– You estimate the separation between two places incorrectly.

– Hills appear higher to you than they actually are.

– You are less willing to help people out or shoulder their burdens.

– You exaggerate the amount of physical work you believe certain jobs will need.

The fatigue associated with keeping a secret is caused not so much by its concealment as it is by the mind’s constant return to the content that is being kept. These thoughts can become obsessive, resulting in rumination, stress, decreased positive thinking, fatigue, and other symptoms.

Is coming clean the answer to the load feeling?

Many people ultimately decide to release the burden of their secrets and come out in the open. In a different study, Slepian et al. demonstrate that disclosing a secret is a method of managing the stress associated with keeping it hidden.

The 12 most universal secrets

Slepian et al. published a study on the experience of keeping secrets in 2017. To accomplish this, they compiled a list of 38 different types of secrets that people tend to keep. They desired to concentrate on unspoken thoughts and desires. The following were the most common:
– Ideas on romantic or sexual relationships with people other than the couple.
– Sexual behavior: personal sexual activities such as pornography consumption or having a fetish.
– Lies that have been included into the speech.
– Romantic desire: having romantic, erotic or sexual feelings for someone and not telling them.
– Having lost faith in someone and not telling them.
– Stealing something.
– Emotional infidelity: falling in love with someone other than one’s current partner.
– Ambition or goal that is not shared with anyone else.
– Family dirty laundry: personal information about one’s own family that is not shared with anyone.
– Financial secrecy: aspects of one’s money that one does not disclose to others, typically tax evasion or claiming to earn less than one does.
– Health issues: Some people conceal their medical illnesses, particularly when they do not want it to interfere with their social or professional lives.
– Social unhappiness: suppressing feelings of resentment toward others or discomfort in social situations.
These are the things that most people keep to themselves.

Should a secret be revealed or not?

The decision to confess or not is up to the individual. Even if the widespread consensus is that wrongdoing should be exposed and remedied, lies and secrets can have a value that the individual wants to preserve.

So that their relationships are not impacted by pity and sadness, a person with a terminal illness, for instance, would not wish to tell others.

What secrets do you preserve? Whatever it may be, always try to avoid letting it consume your thoughts all the time if you can’t tell someone. You won’t be able to concentrate on the remainder of your daily life till then.

Source: lamenteesmaravillosa.com


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